Online Resource: Utah Education Network

Check out these amazing interactives that have been collected by the Utah Education Network (UEN).

This organization connects all Utah school districts, schools, and higher education institutions to provide quality resources.

I’m grateful they’re willing to share without requiring a sign in so the resources can be used by teachers and parents. 

Online Resource: Quick Freeze Boiling Water

Winter brings very cold weather to many of us. I found videos online that demonstrate a variety of people tossing boiling water into sub freezing air. Amazing crystals form in beautiful collections.

Children can be fascinated watching videos and then language and cooperation skills can be strengthened with a followup discussion of what was observed.

Here are a few resources I’d like to share with you.

Quick Science: Dancing Spaghetti

Pour a can of clear or lightly colored soft drink into a transparent container. Drop in a few pieces of raw pasta.

Initially the pasta sinks to the bottom of the container because each piece is denser than the liquid.

Bubbles of gas attach to the pasta and it slowly rises to the surface.

Your students are pretty interested at this point in just what’s going on!

Quick Hint: Collecting Papers

Consider collecting papers in alphabetical order.

Students line up and the first person in line collects all the papers. If a student forgot to put a name on the paper, the collector can gently remind the student.

A different person is assigned as the “paper manager” for each date in a month based on each student’s last name.

This makes it much easier to record grades.