Quick Science: Optical Illusions

  Extend your unit on light into a study of optical illusions. Your visual kids will love it and your more capable or interested kids can be challenged to create new illusions. Here are a few resources to make it easy to add optical illusions to your science class. Optics 4 Kids – The Optical Society for great resources – Check out their activities! Easy Activities explore the basic concepts of light and color, suitable for five and older Medium Activities are recommended for scientists ten and older Advanced Activities are suggested for scientists fifteen and older Examples of Optical Illusions from …

Idioms and Position Puzzles

   Why doesn’t “a piece of cake” simply mean a yummy dessert? Why does it also mean a task that’s very easy? What about “let them eat cake“, “slice of the pie“, or “icing on the cake“? “Half-hearted” means lack effort or enthusiasm. “Big deal” means something important or consequential. “Wake up” means, well, stop sleeping! All these idioms mean something very different than their literal interpretation.   Idioms can be a challenge for English language learners because they’re not literal. They can be puzzles to solve for all students in your classroom.   I just posted seven new products that are …

Poetry for Light

Poetry can be a great way to integrate language arts with science! Here are suggestions for connecting science and poetry when your students are studying light, reflection, refraction, shadows, or rainbows! Something Big has Been Here, Jack Prelutsky “Denson Dumm” A Light in the Attic, Shel Silverstein “BATTY” “SHADOW RACE” “SIGNALS” Every Thing On It, Shel Silverstein “THE RAINBOW THROWER” Where the Sidewalk Ends, Shel Silverstein “AFRAID OF THE DARK” “JOEY” “IT’S DARK IN HERE” Do you have poems about light to share with us?

Quick Demos for Light

Need an idea to introduce light to students in your classroom or their parents at an open house or after school meeting? I’ve collected a few for you to consider. From the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco Bird in a Cage – color Hole in Your Hand – illusion Magic Wand – reflection Exploratorium Science Snacks are fun activities in many areas of science. They have suggestions for family friendly science activities you might suggest for your families.   From SteveSpanglerScience Magic Arcs  - video – illusion Disappearing Color Wheel  –  video – color Science Clips at the BBC are great although they’re not being updated so check them …