Quick Science: Hot and Cold

Activities that involve heat and cold.
Try them at school or at home.
Check out the poetry suggestions!
Activities that involve heat and cold.
Try them at school or at home.
Check out the poetry suggestions!
Something with simple materials that will fascinate children?
I collected several chemistry activities for your consideration, thanks to the Exploratorium Museum and Steve Spangler Science.
Make sure to check out the poetry suggestions.
Try a few activities with water.
You’ll need a wrapped straw, a few toothpicks, and a penny.
It helps if you have an eyedropper, too!
Need a quick thought provoking demonstration that inspires a conversation in your classroom? Perhaps another activity to demonstrate air pressure that will enrich your weather or physics unit? All you’ll need is a wooden spool, an index card, and a thumbtack. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to show students the power of air or let Dr. Boyd F Edwards demonstrate it for you! Trim a 3†x 5†index card in half to create a 3†x 2.5†card. Push a tack into the center of the card.  Place the point of the tack into the tube in the center of a wooden …
Need an idea to introduce light to students in your classroom or their parents at an open house or after school meeting? I’ve collected a few for you to consider. From the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco Bird in a Cage – color Hole in Your Hand – illusion Magic Wand – reflection Exploratorium Science Snacks are fun activities in many areas of science. They have suggestions for family friendly science activities you might suggest for your families. From SteveSpanglerScience Magic Arcs - video – illusion Disappearing Color Wheel –  video – color Science Clips at the BBC are great although they’re not being updated so check them …
You’re starting or finishing a unit on sound and you need a fun demonstration to share with students. Maybe parents are coming for an open house and you want to impress them with a science activity. What will get kids excited about sound? How can you integrate science into an open house conversation about school? Consider these suggestions from SteveSpanglerScience: Singing Glasses Singing Glasses Toothpick Mover – video Musical Straw –  video Screaming Cup Talking Cups –  video Water Whistle – video In addition to Steve’s resources, here’s a few great videos you might add to your sound unit. I actually own a Chladni Device and, …