Great Geometry Resources!

Are you planning to introduce or review geometric shapes this year?
You’ll want to take a look at a new FREEBIE worksheet I added to my TPT Simply Math Store.
Are you planning to introduce or review geometric shapes this year?
You’ll want to take a look at a new FREEBIE worksheet I added to my TPT Simply Math Store.
Do your students need to practice a basic math skill? Do you want them to be more confident using that skill Would you like to send a game home so students can practice math with family members? While playing a Memory Game, students match up numbers with names, computation problems with their answers, fractions with their equivalents and much, much more! Print a set of cards and an answer key, zip both in a bag, and you have an easy to store game that’s an excellent way to spend a few minutes in class, review an important skill, or reward carefully completed work. When you create games …
Is your day just too short for science? Busy teaching reading, writing, and math and feeling a bit guilty because there are other subjects you want to teach but that dismissal bell keeps ringing too soon? Consider ways to integrate math and science. Students practice their math skills and you have a few more minutes each week for science. Students see the connection between math and science. Seem simple? It can be with some planning. Here are suggestions, with resources, that can get you started. Graphing – Oh Deer! Line graphs - temperature change Bar graphs - precipitation Symmetry - light reflecting using mirrors Angles and measurement …