home Classroom Clues Trouble with Tattling?

Trouble with Tattling?

Do you have students who aren’t clear about the difference between reporting and tattling? Is tattling driving you and your students crazy!!

I searched for resources you could consider using in your classroom to help students understand the difference between being safe and getting a classmate in trouble. I also found forms and created a couple more that you could use or adapt for your classroom. I tried to make a primary form that doesn’t require words and a form from students who are able to describe the situation in writing. Let me know if you have suggestions for modifying the forms!

Resources to Consider

A drawing of a skull with a striped background


Reporting Forms

What do you do to help student report concerns without tattling just to get a classmate in trouble?

2 thoughts on “Trouble with Tattling?

  1. We use Kelso Choices with our students. We talk about if the issue was a big problem or a little problem. If it is a little problem they have to use a Kelso choice to deal with it. Kelso choices are things like walk away, work it out, take turns, find a friend to help, etc.

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