Mastering the Times Tables

Videos, knowing patterns, and visuals can help children (and grownups) learning the multiplication tables.
Videos, knowing patterns, and visuals can help children (and grownups) learning the multiplication tables.
Quick puzzles can add a bit of fun to your math class any time of year. I created a set of alien puzzles that you can use to have students find a number pattern and then solve the puzzles to reveal a math term! There are 6 different kinds of puzzles – each has its own alien. Choose from full color or black and white images. Students can use a blank form to create a new puzzle for classmates and receive a certificate. You can also find many kinds of puzzles online, including: Brainbox Logic Puzzles, Kid Number Puzzles, and number …
Do your students need to practice a basic math skill? Do you want them to be more confident using that skill Would you like to send a game home so students can practice math with family members? While playing a Memory Game, students match up numbers with names, computation problems with their answers, fractions with their equivalents and much, much more! Print a set of cards and an answer key, zip both in a bag, and you have an easy to store game that’s an excellent way to spend a few minutes in class, review an important skill, or reward carefully completed work. When you create games …
Students in one of my classes are learning fractions so we’re playing Fraction Bingo. Bingo makes it fun for students practice a math skill. Visit Simply Math to find a variety of bingo games that your students will look forward to playing as they practice their math skills. Print the cards, cut squares of scrap paper, and then put both in a zip bag. Students keep their bingo bags in their desks so they can play when there’s just a few minutes to play one game. It’s the “If we finish our work and we’ve done it carefully we can play a game of bingo” approach. It can be a …