Monster Month!

  My FAVORITE month of the year. We’ve gotten to know each other, routines are familiar, and it’s time for a project that we work on during the month of October. I posted a great product at TpT  that I hope you’ll check out along with these other great resources. Your students will be reading, writing, solving math puzzles, and more with a monster theme. Monster and Alien Coloring Pages – add this to your sub folder? Easy Ways to Draw a Monster – get your hesitant artists started Free Halloween Clip Art – so much to choose! Monster Songs for Young Children – …

Quick Science: Videos from Space

Astronaut Don Pettit created a series of videos called Saturday Morning Science that you’ll want to check out! He performs experiments, usually with water, in microgravity on the International Space Station. This resource could work for children of any age.

Here’s a channel with a short version of each video. My kids especially like seeing what happens when you add an effervescent tablet to a large bubble of water, how you can “eat” tea with chopsticks, and the behavior of a bubble of water in a bubble of air inside a bubble of water.

Is your class going to rock and roll this year?

Let me make it easier if you’re planning to teach about the different kinds of rocks. I’ve created a product* that includes a website <= just click on this link and you’ll find activities, vocabulary, idioms, and suggestions for non-fiction books to add to your Earth science unit. * Included in the product: copyright free images, a glossary in English and Spanish, short texts that have been recorded, word walls with two sizes of paper and both English and Spanish terms, math worksheets for practicing basic computation, mazes, rules and game boards for playing mancala, and writing prompts.  

Christmas in July sale!

Just a heads up if you are interested in saving on new resources. TpT is having a Christmas in July sale that continues for just a few more days. I put my 24 “Resources for Teaching about …” products on sale for just $1 each for the next three days! At TpT I’ve had to use categories to narrow my search for new resources to add to my collection and I’ve found so many fun choices. Enjoy!  

Quick Science: Bernoulli’s Principle #3

Another fun demonstration to add to a science unit, use for a science night, or show students just for fun. No prep time or materials? Use the videos at the end of this post to prompt a conversation about science! Depending on the age of your students this could be demonstrated by a small team of capable students. All you need is two balloons of the same size, about a meter of string, and a drinking straw. The materials are so common students will be able to repeat the activity at home.  🙂     Inflate two balloons to the same size. Tie …

Quick Science: Bernoulli’s Principle #2

Need a quick thought provoking demonstration that inspires a conversation in your classroom? Perhaps another activity to demonstrate air pressure that will enrich your weather or physics unit? All you’ll need is a wooden spool, an index card, and a thumbtack. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to show students the power of air or let Dr. Boyd F Edwards demonstrate it for you! Trim a 3†x 5†index card in half to create a 3†x 2.5†card. Push a tack into the center of the card.    Place the point of the tack into the tube in the center  of a wooden …

Quick Science: Bernoulli’s Principle #1

It’s April, almost May. Need a quick activity to punch up the enthusiasm in your science class? This activity could be part of a weather unit with air and wind. It could be added to a physics unit about force and air pressure. It’s a great demonstration that students can share with family members at a science night or open house.   Turn on the hair dryer and aim the flow of air up. Carefully balance a ping-pong ball in the stream of air. Gently tilt the hair dryer. How far can you tilt the hair dryer before the ball …