Fractions, Decimals, and Percents!

Have students play Go Fish, Memory Games, or online games to practice converting fractions to decimals to percents.
A fun way to review an important math skill.
Have students play Go Fish, Memory Games, or online games to practice converting fractions to decimals to percents.
A fun way to review an important math skill.
Do your students need to practice a basic math skill? Do you want them to be more confident using that skill Would you like to send a game home so students can practice math with family members? While playing a Memory Game, students match up numbers with names, computation problems with their answers, fractions with their equivalents and much, much more! Print a set of cards and an answer key, zip both in a bag, and you have an easy to store game that’s an excellent way to spend a few minutes in class, review an important skill, or reward carefully completed work. When you create games …