Do you have other suggestions for being an effective teacher?
4 thoughts on “Strategies for Maximizing Your Teaching”
Actually, I would rather have student feedback at the end of each month or each quarter instead of the end of the year.
If I ask my students for just one sentence to give me information about my teaching and our classroom, it’s quick for me to read, not as difficult for them to write, and gives me information I can use as the school year progresses.
I really like the idea of that so many grown-ups say a teacher helped them to build confidence and encouraged them to follow their dreams!! 🙂
I like the idea of one sentence of feedback. I can really feel the guilt if I don’t get to student work quickly and one sentence can be enough to prompt a conversation if I want more information from a student! Thanks for sharing.
I am a mentor teacher helping 10 new teachers get off to a good start in their career, and everything that is found in this article is right on the money. We take teachers to see veteran teachers and ask questions about practice. We video new teachers so they can evaluate themselves. We analyze student work together to see where we need to go in our instruction. I will give a copy of this article to my new teachers next year as we begin the year together so they can have this information at their fingertips.
I have a hard time remembering or really just taking time to keep a journal. When I want to remember something that was important but didn’t write it down or put down a date, I’m really frustrated.
I started recording notes on my cell phone and sending them to myself by email. I put the date and a few key words in the subject line and that helps me remember the content of the email. When I need to remember something that happened and when, I just look through my emails!
Actually, I would rather have student feedback at the end of each month or each quarter instead of the end of the year.
If I ask my students for just one sentence to give me information about my teaching and our classroom, it’s quick for me to read, not as difficult for them to write, and gives me information I can use as the school year progresses.
I really like the idea of that so many grown-ups say a teacher helped them to build confidence and encouraged them to follow their dreams!! 🙂
I like the idea of one sentence of feedback. I can really feel the guilt if I don’t get to student work quickly and one sentence can be enough to prompt a conversation if I want more information from a student! Thanks for sharing.
I am a mentor teacher helping 10 new teachers get off to a good start in their career, and everything that is found in this article is right on the money. We take teachers to see veteran teachers and ask questions about practice. We video new teachers so they can evaluate themselves. We analyze student work together to see where we need to go in our instruction. I will give a copy of this article to my new teachers next year as we begin the year together so they can have this information at their fingertips.
I have a hard time remembering or really just taking time to keep a journal. When I want to remember something that was important but didn’t write it down or put down a date, I’m really frustrated.
I started recording notes on my cell phone and sending them to myself by email. I put the date and a few key words in the subject line and that helps me remember the content of the email. When I need to remember something that happened and when, I just look through my emails!