I’ve also uploaded freebies – seek-a-word puzzles for plant parts and seek-a-word puzzles for fruits that students often confuse with vegetables.
Are you interested in integrating plants and language arts? Consider Jack Prelutsky’s poems “The Cherries’ Garden Gala” or “I’d Never Eat a Beet” from his book New Kid on the Block.
You might create an ABC book for plants. Here’s a list of plants to make it easy for you to create this book: asparagus, apple, artichokes, avocado, banana, bean, beet, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chilis, corn, cucumber, date, eggplant, endive, fig, garlic, grape, grapefruit, grapes, greens, hazelnuts, honeydew melon, iceberg lettuce, Indian corn, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, kiwi, leeks, lemon, lettuce, lime, mango, melon, nectarine, nut, okra, onion, orange, papaya, parsnips, peas, peach, pear, peppers, potato, pumpkin, quince, radish, raspberry, rhubarb, spinach, squash, strawberry, sweet potatoes, tomato, turnip, watercress, watermelon, yam, zucchini.
What about art? You can use the side of a peeled crayon to make a leaf rubbing on thin paper, slice vegetables to create simple prints, or use seeds and glue to create a mosaic. Education World has a great lesson for drawing plants that I think even I, the artistically challenged, would be able to present to my students.
I also posted parent letters (that include their very own web page),  plants parts puzzles, and fruit or vegetable? puzzles. I’m planning to post bookmarks with images of plant parts, a matching game, and products you might use to teach what plants need and how to grow plants.
Interested in new products at my store? You can sign up to follow me by clicking on the ★ next to my store at TeachersPayTeachers.
Do you have other suggestions for teaching plant parts? For integrating plants and other parts of the curriculum?
I found a great resource you might use for a parts of plants study: from the Great Grub Club.
Thanks for the resources, I hope you’ll like this one, too!
Thanks for the list of fruits and vegetables for an ABC book! It saves me finding a list online or trying to make a list by myself!!
I see you don’t have three letters covered. Could I suggest U is UGLI FRUIT, V is VICTORIA PLUM, and X is X-CELLENT FOOD FOR MY HEALTH!!
Ugli fruit and victoria plum might be a for a more capable student…
As always your materials provide very readable facts and wonderful activities to make it “stick” thanks